Palabras de lectores

Mary que linda eres, gracias por ser como eres , con esa alegria que irradias iluminas mi dia y me das animos para seguir luchando, que Dios Bendiga cada cosa que haces y nunca cambies porque personas como tu con ese don especial que tienes no hay. Que tengas un maravilloso dia. Tqm. Adriana (colombianita)

The Havana Shirt Store
Miami International Airport
Terminal E, 33159

Carlos Gómez te ha enviado un mensaje en LetrasKiltras
Lo has sentido? Es cuando las palabras no alcanzan para hacerse concientes al oído pero que si el alma que alcanza a sentir quizás no palabras sino ese dulce estremecimiento que penetra como soplo eléctrico cuando vibra acaricia resopla erizaaa... cuando se transmite eso si eso que se lleva dentro que segrega como una hormona allí en el lugar que ocuparían las palabras si existieran unas tan exactas tan expresivas tan perfectas
Ven y sorbe de las metaforalquimicas "Susurros"...
Un abrazo, Carlos

Mariangeles querida:
Ya me olvidaba un detallito bonito, ya me están pidiendo el móvil así que te cuento rapidito.... me llamó una señora Maria del Pilar, larga distancia, le dije como entrar a tu blog, ella queria comunicarse contigo para hablar de tus experiencias angelicales y escuchar tu voz !!! waoooo !! sí amiga linda así me dijo... ayyyy señora como puedo escribirle a la señora angelical, quisiera escuchar su voz que tanta calma me dió cuando ví el programa de Oh Diosas y guarde con mucho cuidado su teléfono y ahora me animé a llamar !!!! ojalá te escriba!!!
Te quiere, Mozzy

I am simply blown away. You are an amazing lady who has found a rewarding outlet. To both give and receive blessings, how inspiring. I wish you much success on this special project from the heart! I can’t help but thinking that your grandmother is smiling brightly, absolutely and positively glowing from pride.

Iris G. Messina / Senior Leasing Manager
Logan International Airport, 300 Terminal C, Second Floor / East Boston, MA 02128

Mary, Congratulations on publishing your book. I will pray that it is so successful, you will be able to build the orphanage.

Charlene Kingsbury
Hudson News
East Rutherford, New Jersey

Mary, what an amazing story! I didn’t know we had a literary star working in our division!! As far as your story goes, you are free to submit that directly to the corporate contact in the email (I believe its Valerie Flores) as it is a human interest story.
Thanks again for sending this to me, and I am looking forward to see it in the newsletter!

Take care,

Ken Buckner / Senior Marketing Manager / Westfield Concession Management
2730 University Blvd., Suite 900 / Wheaton, MD 20902

Miami team:
Thank you all for taking the time to send this wonderful story in. I was truly inspired by it and it will be my pleasure to share it in the Newsletter. These amazing stories is exactly what the Newsletter was intended for.
Thanks again for sending in.

Val Flores
Westfield LLC.
Los Angeles, CA.

You are ever so sweet in your words, and unfortunately do not read Spanish and speak very little. I would however appreciate it very much if you would so kindly let me know when the English version is done so that I may purchase the book – I look forward to reading it.


Mary, you’re a total angel in yourself. God put us in each other’s path for a reason.
God bless you!

Lauren Stover
Assistant Director
Security, Operations and Communications
Miami-Dade Aviation Department
P.O. Box 025504
Miami, Fl. 33102-5504

Life can be wildly tragic at times, and I've had my share. But whatever happens to you, you have to keep a slightly comic attitude. In the final analysis, you have got not to forget to laugh.
Author: Katharine Hepburn

Silvia Peralta / Business Development & Strategy Director
Westfield Concession Management
2730 University Blvd., Suite 900 / Wheaton, MD 20902

WOW Power written all over it. You are so amazing and inspirational. Kudos, Mary Elizabeth.
Love you,

Edra Getman / Accounting & Business Services
11601 Wilshire Blvd., 11th Floor / Los Angeles, CA 90025

Dear Mary,
Amazing but not surprising. I have been waiting for your star to rise. You are much too special an individual to be ordinary. Congratulations and let me know when the book signings happen.

George Giaquinto / Vice President/ Northeast Development
115 West Century Road/ Suite 300 /Paramus, NJ 07652

You will be famous now!!!! This is deserve it!!!
Leo Prado
Assistant General Manager Westfield Concession Management
Miami International Airport


  1. Todos estos son mensajes recibidos via email de companeros de empresa asi como personas con las que tengo amistad literaria. Muchas gracias por el apoyo y por todas vuestras palabras.


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